Unit 1D(Arts Research Summary).

In the Arts research summary well, we meant professionals the first one was when a woman came to teach us how to do stop motion which was really good, they taught us how to use flash and Kirsty was in college helping us if we did need help and it went really good.

  • The most interesting thing that i really enjoyed and learnt was using flash at first it was really complicated but after you get really used to it and also we had to draw some stop motion with paper and pencil it was quite difficult because it had to go with it.
  • To be honest i don’t think there was much that really influenced me but i think when i watched watching others people’s animation and also when we went to the cinema in stratford and we got some feedbacks from people who works within the animation industry.
  • The ideas that has given me in future career is to be an interior designer and i do like the work we are doing the most once i like is using photoshop because i can really know my way round using it. The least once i liked was the animation once because it was the first time using it so i didn’t know where to start or to end it was quite a challenge.

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